We are pleased to announce the opening of registration for free training for Roma women who want to gain new skills to start working immediately or even open their own business and achieve self-sufficiency.
The "Voice of Romni" team continues to work towards ensuring that Roma communities can live in safety and dignity, with opportunities for growth and economic independence.
Recently, our regional coordinators participated in the "The Peer to Peer" training exchange in Warsaw, organized by our partners at OXFAM.
У межах проєкту “Підтримка ромських громад на Півночі та на Сході України” за пiдтримки фонду Oxfam GB та DEC ГО “Голос Ромні” запрошує до участі на відкритих торгах з особливостями юридичних осіб та фізичних осіб-підприємців, які зареєстровані в Україні.
With constant thoughts about those living in danger, we create our projects.
By declaring human life as the highest value, we continue to fight for the right to peace, security, and dignity.
We improve children's communication and cognitive skills, develop emotional intelligence, stimulate creative imagination, and help uncover their talents.
The National Democratic Institute (NDI), in collaboration with the “Ukrainian Women's Congress”, once again brought together powerful influencers who are changing the world and driving reforms in Ukraine.
Ensure the integration of the Roma national community and equal access to social and educational opportunities! Such issues were raised at the expert-consultative meeting in Strasbourg, attended by Anzhelika Bielova, the President of "Voice of Romni."
10 домогосподарств у м. Запоріжжя, 10 у Дніпропетровській області та 10 у Харківській.
This year, "Voice of Romni" and OXFAM have implemented an extremely important project.
Recently, our president, Anzhelika Bielova, met with representatives from the international organization in Kyiv to discuss the outcomes of our collaboration.